Make small cards in five different colours.
Each colour is for one of five categories noted below.
Write words for each category, a single word on each card.
Each child selects five different colour cards and tries to use the five words collected
in an interesting/unusual sentence.
Could a sentence be the starting point for a story, or even a piece of surrealist art?
The happy sailor was jumping about the desert searching for a computer!
The ghost was overwhelmed by the solids walking around the lighthouse with scissors!
The waiter was quite cheerful as he played the bagpipes underwater while swimming!
artist sailor dentist magician ghost scuba diver lawyer monster plumber astronaut actor doctor hypnotist teacher farmer elf matador jockey baby dancer chef opera singer pilot detective clown king prisoner queen barber fishmonger grocer author cowboy etc etc
desert zoo dog show bank spaceship lighthouse shower igloo airport ship plane bus train movies theatre haunted house supermarket truck office kennel ocean mine cage escalator flagpole subway moon mars golf course church castle museum gallery school etc etc
telescope rubbish bin statue camera toys statue newspaper bagpipes snow ice cubes glasses drum fish fingers balloon stilts mask totem pole hammock horse shoe computer TV armour fiddle tombstone scissors fireplace binoculars telephone piano trumpet oven orange etc etc
jumping falling playing flying walking sliding painting digging crawling eating camping flying diving searching reading inventing calling begging swimming dancing hunting moving hiding hopping driving fishing climbing running watching jogging sewing painting etc etc
ashamed afraid jolly delighted quiet disappointed delirious weepy ecstatic embarrassed proud disgusted cheerful irritated distressed dejected tired contented blissful mean angry curious sad coy surprised happy jealous arrogant terrified indifferent overwhelmed amused etc etc
Great idea Michael, I'm going to use it today for my art class. We're designing fantasy puppets for a puppet show. These will be a great way to develop the story and backgrounds. I'll let you know how it goes.